Our Brands

Where Creativity Meets Commerce.

Watchy Logo
Home Improov Logo

Bridging the Gap Between Content and Cart

We're not just a platform; we're a partnership that unites two exceptional brands; Watchy and Home Improov—each with unique capabilities that, when combined with our AI engine, turn content into commerce in ways you've never imagined.

Brand Advantages

Curated Content Ecosystem

Watchy offers a curated platform that not only educates and entertains but also serves as a haven for creators looking to amplify their reach. It's not just about views;it's about driving valuable, engaged traffic to advertiser's sites..

Frictionless Shopping Experience

Home Improov is your digital toolbox. What sets it apart is the direct-to-cart feature that enables hassle-free purchases in just a click.

The Power of Direct-to-Cart

Our AI engine is a game-changer for publishers. It automatically creates hyperlinks in content that, when clicked, lead users straight to a shopping cart for instant purchase—opening up new, consistent revenue streams for publishers.

Efficiency in Advertising

For advertisers, the benefit is twofold: not only do we place your product in content that’s contextually relevant, but we do so precisely when the buyer is at the decision-making stage. This targeted placement means higher conversion rates, lower costs, and increased revenue.

Why Choose ZOTTA?

Unparalleled Advantages in Connecting Advertisers and Publishers.

Direct Network of High-Quality Publishers

Reach audiences through trusted and relevant platforms, maximizing ROI.

Advanced Analytics Dashboard

Real-time campaign tracking ensures constant optimization and insights.

Stay Ahead with Our Industry Insights

Get the latest updates, tips, and trends that are shaping the advertising landscape.

Regular Industry Reports

Stay informed with data-driven insights directly from the advertising industry.

Expert Contributions

Learn from seasoned professionals about succeeding in the digital advertising landscape.

Reach out to us

Have questions? Feel free to contact us using the form below. We're here to help!